Monday, April 1, 2013

New Wallgreens Coupon Policy

Wallgreens recently updated their coupon policy on how many items you can buy. Here is the added verbiage:

"When purchasing multiple items, Walgreens accepts multiple identical coupons for multiple qualifying items as long as there is sufficient stock to satisfy other customers, unless a limit is specified. Management reserves the right to limit the quantity of items purchased. Customer and employee purchases of excessive quantities of advertised items is not permitted. An excessive quantity is any quantity above and beyond normal household usage."

Most people are really mad about this. However, I am happy. Here in the Rogue Valley if you don't go get the deals at Wallgreens on Sunday or Monday you have little chance of getting the hot items posted on people's blogs. But now this may make it possible for more people to take advantage of the great deals. Below is a link to the new coupon policy so you can keep it in your binder.

Here is a link to some another couponer discussing the changes.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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